Monday, March 30, 2009

Male Pattern Balding

No one wants to lose their hair. Hair is such an important part of our wardrobe. If your hair is not right you don't feel right. So when it happens to men it can be a real problem for them. Not everybody looks great with a bald head, not everybody has the face or head shape to completely pull it off. Of course Bruce Willis and the likes kill it but not everybody feels comfortable with their baldness. Now I'm a believer in confidence, and I always knew I would lose my hair. My grandfather's hair was very thin, my father is bald(sorry dad but its true). So I have always figured I would lose mine. And a really good mate of mine told me that when I was surfing he could always see my bald spot as I was cruising along waves- you can always count on your mates!

According to Andrology Australia, "the majority of Australian men will experience some form of hair loss in their lifetime. For men between the ages of 20 and 45 who start to lose scalp hair, there is a 95 per cent chance they are experiencing male pattern hair loss." So it's official, I'm going bald.

Three months ago one my clients told me that he was taking a drug called "Poscar". Now this drug is used in the treatment of prostate cancer,and one of the side affects was hair growing back. Apparently hair grows back with constant use up to 7 years, that means I would have the full head of hair of 26 year old, well at least the head of hair I had when i was 26. I have been taking 1/4 of a tablet a day. I think for the treatment of prostate cancer you take 2, so the dose I'm taking is very weak. Of course I asked the doctor about side effects. His answer was, "Anytime you take drugs there are side effects, but with this drug its pretty minimal". I have not had any,except my hair is growing back and getting thicker. Kirsty who cuts my hair in the salon reckons it is, and my wife is in agreement. And I think it feels thicker. So I am three months into trialling "Pos car" and I'm going to get another lot tomorrow. It costs about $70 for three months. I have heard that centres for hair loss charge a small fortune.

I would not say I am a vain man, but I am a hairdresser and I work in an industry based on appearance. I was fine with my hair loss, but when I heard that it could be stopped, I jumped at the chance. What man wouldn't want the opportunity to get his hair back?

I just wanted to share my experience, and I will post another pic of my diminishing baldness in another 3 months.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Dockers San Francisco

A few photos that we have worked on are up on the Dockers clothing website. Simi, who is the main stylist we use in the salon, came up with the looks. Very talented guy. Adrian Alston shot them and some of the pics are on his site again a real talent. Its always great to be involved in projects like these and its great to get your work overseas.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Your hairdresser Is Just Not That Into You

Well another great week at the English, BUSY. i have been Quoted in Aprils Women's Health Mag.
insits you'll look better in a Jessica Simpson-style extensions. "A good hairdresser is a good judge of Character ," says Steve Corthine owner of Stevie English Hair in Sydney. "When deciding what's right for you they should ask you about your job, your wardrobe and your routine." If they don't ask tell them. For instance, if you prefer to just shower and go in the mornings you don't want a cut that's takes a lot of styling. "I like someone who;s done their research," Corthine says. "Bring in a few pics, and tell me what you don't like as well as what you do." Honesty and communication are key, on both sides. And remember that ultimately, its in your hairdressers favour to do a good job on your hair as well. " That's my work walking out the door," Corthine quips.>
Some of the work that walks out our door is some of the best around. I am very proud of my team and the standard of work that we maintain. We rock!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

So you think you can dance at Lawn Bowls

Some of the team at lawn bowls on Sunday

Another great week at the English, Verity was prepping hair for "So You Think You Can Dance" the salon was pumping. We are really lucky to get a nice mix of great clients and then get asked now and then to help on some cool shows. As soon as I have pics I will post.
We have a great relationship with lots of dancers and its always nice to help them out. While some of the team were prepping hair, the rest of us were at Waverley Bowls having a cool team bonding afternoon. Think the team was more into drinking than bowls. But it was a lot of fun.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


The strangest thing happened this week. My first 5 clients on Wednesday were all Pisces. I'm Pisces, a lot of my friends are, and now a large amount of my clients are. Is this a rarity? Or do we attract things and people to whom we are alike?