This past long weekend, Hair Expo was held in Sydney. Hair Expo is the biggest hairdressing event in the Southern Hemisphere, so to say it is a big deal is a bit of an understatement. Four of our apprentices: Raquel, Stephen, Jake and Naomi, competed in the Apprentice Cutting Competition onstage. ONSTAGE. This means that they planned their haircuts and had been practising for about 6 weeks, and on the day they arrived at 8.30am for the 10am start of the competition. This year there were 25 competitors from salon all over Australia, and the whole of the Stevie English team were in the audience to cheer on our future superstars!
Needless to say they all did us very proud. The haircuts were spectacular, the styling perfect and our youngest team members were absolutely brilliant onstage. Nerves, scissors, blowdryers and a very big day for the Stevie English apprentices. Well done guys!